TYBA Intramural: Grades 3-4
We're happy to offer our 2024-25 TYBA Intramural Program for boys and girls, grades 3-8, who attend Triton District schools or live in Byfield/Newbury, Rowley, or Salisbury. The TYBA Program is an excellent introduction to the game and no experience is necessary at any age level!

What ages do we have teams for?
We offer intramural leagues for kids from grades 3 through 8. Grades and teams are grouped together in divisions: College (3rd/4th & 5th/6th) and Pro (7th/8th).
When does the season run?
The season runs from November through early March. There are no games or practices over holiday weeks.
Where are practices and games typically held?
Games are played at Triton High School/Middle School. Practices are held at elementary school gyms in Newbury, Salisbury, or Rowley.
When are practices and how often are they?
Most TYBA teams will have one practice per week. Practices are held at 5pm or later on weeknights. Younger groups will have earlier time slots.
How many games will they play? What days of the week? Who will we play against?
Teams will usually play 10 games in a season plus a playoff tournament. Games are played on Saturdays.
Games will be against other TYBA teams. College and Pro Division teams may also play games against other local intramural programs: Amesbury, Newburyport, etc.
Are jerseys provided or are they purchased separately?
A reversible jersey is provided for each player and can be kept at the end of the season!
Frequently Asked Questions
What kind of ball and shoes do I need?
Each player should have their own basketball for practices.
3rd/4th intramural teams should use a size 5 (27.5) ball.
4th/5th/6th grade boys and all girls teams should use a size 6 (28.5) ball.
7th/8th grade boys should have a size 7 (29.5) ball.
Basketball shoes are recommended but running shoes are also okay.
Do I need to try out to be on a team?
No, all players who register will be placed on a team. However, we do hold a pre-season evaluation to assess skill levels and help us to make even and competitive teams. We encourage all players to attend the evaluation!
Who are the coaches?
All of our coaches are parent volunteers! If you have an interest in coaching, please email us or make a note when registering your child.
Are there referees for the games?
Instructional games (3rd/4th) will usually be refereed by an upper level TYB or Triton High School player. College (5th/6th) and Pro (7th/8th) game will use professional "patched" referees.
Registration for the TYBA 3rd and 4th Grade Intramural program is now open! Click here to start the registration process.
The cost is $175 per player
Siblings will receive a $25 discount. Please enter the discount code "Sibling" when registering the second or third child.
Players that opt-in for Travel will undergo a player evaluation. If they're asked to join the Travel Team an additional $150 per player is required.